Protest Rattles

Protest Rattles


Ceramic Rattles.  Let’s make noise for Pro Choice!


When Roe vs. Wade was overturned in June, it was a devastating blow to Women’s Rights.

What to do?

As potters, we decided to make ceramic rattles.


In July, Hyperallergic, an online arts magazine, had a feature story about an artist, Elana Mann who made ceramic protest rattles to use at Pro Choice rallies.   Her work was inspirational at a time when repercussions from the Dobbs decision  were playing out across the nation.

While we were processing the effects of the end of Roe vs. Wade,  starting small felt right: as potters, making rattles seemed to be a small beam of light in the darkness, or perhaps a ROAR in the silence.

Several women* gathered  together weekly to make rattles- rattles that can be used to make noise when we protest, and to raise money for women’s organizations.

We’re asking that you donate $ 75 or more to a women’s pro choice organization, and we’ll offer you a rattle of your choice from the selection below.


 Please donate to support women to get the healthcare they need.

Three organizations that could use your support are

WRRAP ensures that financially-disadvantaged individuals of all ages, ethnicities, cultural backgrounds, gender identities, and sexual orientations can access abortion care and emergency contraception. They provide funding for both medical and surgical procedures by funding  women through abortion clinics such as Planned Parenthood clinics.

Brigid Alliance  “We get people to abortion care whatever it takes.”   The Brigid Alliance is a referral-based service that provides people seeking abortions with travel, food, lodging, child care and other logistical support.

WPAFC is a volunteer-run organization which provides abortion care, including transportation ,to patients in Central and Western PA, and  in Ohio and West Virginia where access to abortion services is difficult, unaffortable or unavailable.

Or donate to your own favorite pro choice organization.


Choose a  Protest Rattle from the ones below:

Send your rattle choice, along with a screenshot of your donation receipt to You can pick up your rattle in Chester County, or have it shipped to you for a shipping fee.

#1 Loudly Dissent

ceramic rattleceramic rattleceramic rattle

#3 My Choice

ceramic rattleprotest rattleceramic rattle

#4 Sunheart

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#5 My Choice

ceramic rattleprotest rattleprotest rattle

#6 Pink Power

protest rattleceramic rattleceramic rattle


#8 Lavender Power

ceramic rattleprotest rattleceramic rattle

#9 Blue Roar

ceramic rattleprotest rattleceramic rattle


#10 Woman Strong

ceramic rattleprotest rattleceramic rattle

o#12 Blue heart

protest rattleprotest rattleceramic rattle

#13 Snakes

ceramic rattleceramic rattleprotest rattle

#14 Blood Roar 

ceramic rattleceramic rattleprotest rattle

#15 Women are People

protest Rattleceramic rattleceramic rattle

#16 She Won

protest rattleceramic rattleprotest rattle

#17 Strong Women

protest Rattleceramic rattleceramic rattle

#18 Reclaim our rights

protest rattleceramic rattleprotest rattle

#19 Roar like a Daisy

protest rattleceramic rattleceramic rattle

#22 Rock Roar

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#23 Roe Roe Your Vote

ceramic rattleprotest Rattleprotest rattle

#24 Blood Roar

ceramic rattlerattle protestceramic rattle



This is a just a beginning for Pro Choice Action 

  • Go to rallies with your rattles.  Make noise for a woman’s right to have autonomy over her body.
  • Support candidates in this year’s election who support Pro Choice.
  • Write your representatives in  support of a woman’s right to choose.
  • Volunteer with abortion support services.

* Rattle makers:  Elayne Baker, Thomasina Webb, Susan O’Hanlon, Edith Guay, Nell Hazinski, Sandy Malamed